Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 1983
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Texas, License No. 99462
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, NAFI
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator, No. 8637-3597v
Certified Fire Investigation Instructor, No. 8637-3597i
Instrument Rated Private Pilot, FAA
Repairman Experimental Aircraft Builder, FAA
I have been engaged in the design, development, marketing and troubleshooting aspects of electrical engineering since 1983, and in the more specialized practice of forensic engineering since 2002. During that time I have received specialized training and certification in the field of fire and explosion investigation and have performed over 1,000 investigations.
I have performed scientific and engineering evaluations involving numerous types of electrical and electronic devices including: structural branch wiring, circuit breakers, lights, switches, receptacles, stoves, ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers, toasters, coffee makers, various other kitchen and small appliances, extension cords, relocatable power taps, computers, televisions, stereos, fans and irons.
I have performed scientific and engineering evaluations of the fires alleged to have been associated with vehicles including: cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, tractor- trailers, farm and construction equipment and ATVs. I have performed scientific and engineering evaluations involving electric utility equipment failure analysis and wildfires.
Sr. Electrical Engineer-President
Expert Forensic Engineers, division of Sans Peur Inc.
January 2008 to present
Forensic engineering analysis of disaster related incidents / accidents including:
Residential, commercial and large industrial fires that may be caused by an electrical malfunction.
Major electrical equipment failures that may result in expensive, long term business interruptions.
Electric shock or electrocution incidents involving equipment from low voltage residential types to high voltage transmission lines.
Lightning damage to virtually any electrical or electronic device.
Fire losses involving vehicles, trucks and heavy machinery.
Electric utility equipment failure analysis.
Wildfire investigations.
Sr. Electrical Engineer
Verité Forensic Engineering, LLC.
April 2002 to December 2007
Forensic engineering analysis of disaster related incidents / accidents.
Regional Director
Portal Software
January 1999 to April 2002
Responsible for the design, development and deployment of Portal's customer management and billing software for providers of communication services, including ISPs, phone carriers, and cable and satellite companies.
Regional Manager
1997 to 1999
Responsible for the marketing and implementation of IBM subsidiary Tivoli Systems' software for managing computer networks that incorporate mixed platforms and computers ranging in size from laptops to mainframes.
1990 to 1997
Worldwide Manager of Telecom Business Partners, responsible for a worldwide team focused on recruitment and management of the Telecom Independent Software Vendors and System Integrators. I was responsible for designing and implementing Oracle's first Telecom Operational Support System (OSS) suite of software used by Telco operators across various lines of business (e.g. fixed line, wireless, broadband, ISP, 2.5G).
Electrical Engineer
Harris Computer Systems
1983 to 1990
Responsible for designing, developing and implementing Harris Computer System products for CAD/CAM and Aerospace applications. In 1983 I was responsible for the design and implementation of the first finite element analysis system for vehicle structural analysis at General Motors.
In 1985 I moved to Dallas, TX to join the Harris Real-time Systems Group supporting General Dynamics F-16 Fighter Program. Models included: 3-D Earth Terrain Model, Navigation Pod Model, Nav-Pod Coupler Support Model, and Fire Control Radar Model.
National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.)
National Association of Fire Investigators (N.A.F.I.)
International Association of Arson Investigators (I.A.A.I.)
Society of Automotive Engineers. (S.A.E.)
"Electrical Aspects of Fire Investigation," East Texas Arson Investigators Association, 2002
"Vehicle Arson and Live Burn Training," Nationwide Insurance Company and North Texas Fire Investigator’s Association, September 2008
"Fire Investigator Vehicle Burn Class," San Antonio Fire Department and Bexar County Marshal’s Office, November 2008
"Vehicle Arson and Live Burn Training," Nationwide Insurance Company and North Texas Fire Investigator’s Association, October 2009
"Arson Investigation Class," USAA and Temple Fire Department, April 2010
"Vehicle Fire Investigation Class," Nationwide Insurance Co. and Harris County Fire Department, November 2010.
"Advanced Live Vehicle Burn Investigation," Nationwide Insurance Co. and San Antonio Fire Department, Arson Bureau, February 2013.
2002 National Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation Training Program
2002 National Seminar on Fire Analysis Litigation
2002 Investigation of Gas and Electric Appliance Fires
19th Annual East Texas Arson Conference, 2002
April 2004, I.A.A.I. Fire Investigation Technologies Seminar
April 2006, “Feel the Heat” Fire Seminar
December 2006, Electrical Fires 102 Training Program
July 2008, Central Texas Fire Investigators Training Session
December 2009, Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigations Training
July 2010, Applying the Scientific Method to Fire & Explosion Investigations
January 2011, NFPA-921 Beyond the Bookshelf
April 2012, Investigation of Gas & Electric Appliance Fires
December 2012, Applied Fire Dynamics for Fire Investigators
February 2013, Advanced Live Vehicle Burn Investigation
April 2014, I.A.A.I. International Training Conference
March 2015, Certified Fire Investigation Instructor Training
August 2016, Understanding Battery & Vehicle Electrical Fire
April 2107, Arc Mapping Basics
January 2018, Residential Electrical Systems and Basic Electricity
May 2018, 2018 ITC Tomorrow’s Investigations
May 2018, ITC A Decade of CSST
September 2019, Vehicle Fire Investigating Training Program
August 2020, 10-Hour OSHA Training for the Construction Industry
February 2022, Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Design Basics, Photovoltaic Cells & Systems, Lithium-Ion Battery Fires, Emerging Technologies in Fire Investigation.
January 2023, Vehicles: Transmission, Exhaust, Brake, and Accessory Systems, Motor Vehicles: The Engine and the Ignition, Electrical and Fuel Systems, Investigating Motor Vehicle Fires.
February 2023, Ethics and Social Media
March 2024, Introduction to Appliances, Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Fires, Ethics and the Fire Investigator.
February 2025, Intro to Fire Dynamics & Modeling, Electrical Safety, Etical Duties Beyond the Fire Scene.
Qualified as an expert witness on numerous occasions in both state and federal courts.
Mark Sutherland
Sr. Electrical Engineer, President
Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Texas, License No. 99462
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, NAFI
Expert Forensic Engineers
1400 FM 586E
Brownwood, TX 76801